Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday, April 7, 2015--5:45 pm

below you will find a copy of essay 3 assignment, distributed and discussed in class on Monday.

English 20, Spring 2015, Instructor: C. Fraga
Out of Class Essay Assignment #3 (200 points)
Assigned: Monday, April 6
Optional Rough Draft Due: Wednesday, April 22
(reminder—even if you submit a RD, there will not be time to revise this essay after I return it to you with the final score.
Due: Monday, May 8

• MLA format
• If you utilize any outside sources (besides for season 1) not required) you must follow MLA format for in- text citations, Works Cited page, etc.)
At the very least, you must have a Works Cited page that lists Season 1 of Breaking Bad. (If you have viewed other seasons, you may use material from them, but be sure to be clear that your evidence IS from another season)
• Attach your Viewer’s Journal (all 7 entries) to the back of the final draft when submitting. Reminder: if a Viewer’s Journal is not submitted, 20 points will be deducted from your earned score.

Before we began viewing the first season of Breaking Bad, I assigned a Viewer’s Journal. You were to record your observations and any other notes you wished in order to eventually select a character to focus on more carefully than others. However, as we have discussed, your first few journal entries, or perhaps more than a few, might just be summary plots and notes regarding several different characters.

This Viewer’s Journal will now be a valuable source as you write your last out of class essay for this course.

Write an in-depth character analysis of one of the six main characters in the first season of Breaking Bad. (Walter, Sr; Skyler; Marie; Hank; Jesse; Walter, Jr.)

Your essay must include the following:
• Assertion(s) about your character
• Evidence from the episodes that support your assertions (how did you come to the conclusion(s) you did regarding this character?)

Your supportive evidence might include but is not limited to:
• what others observe/say (or don’t observe/say) about the character—either directly or in private
• the actions of the character in particular situations
• the reactions/responses of the character in particular situations
• what drives this character
• what terrifies this character
• what pleases this character
• what does this character long for
• what does this character need

Your thesis must be assertive…it is YOUR opinion as a viewer of these episodes.

·      Whether or not you LIKE or DISLIKE this character is not an issue in this essay.
·      Whether you LIKE or DISLIKE the series is also not an issue in this essay.

Proving to the reader that this character has the attributes (good, bad, layered, shallow) that you assert he or she has is your goal.

Keep in mind that your reading audience HAS viewed each of the seven episodes so avoid writing extensive summaries of each episode.

Your thesis might read something like this:

Once Walter learns of his terminal cancer and begins cooking meth, he appears very unstable and irresponsible; however, his behavior ultimately represents a very determined, loving, highly intelligent and moral father and husband.


Marie is a very insecure and lonely woman who is unhappy and uncomfortable living in the shadows of her power-driven DEA husband and her happily married and very bright sister, Skyler.

Suggested Vocabulary for Discussing Character
adaptable                                    daring                                                      industrious                                    sensitive                 

aggressive                                    deceitful                                    insensitive                                    serious

aimless                                    dependent                                    intelligent                                    shallow

alert                                                      determined                                    intolerant                                    shrewd

ambitious                                    dishonest                                    jealous                                    sincere

antagonistic                                    disloyal                                    kind                                                      sly

boastful                                    disobedient                                    lazy                                                      spiritual

bragging                                    energetic                                    loyal                                                      sportsmanlike

brave                                                      enthusiastic                                    mean                                                      stubborn

capable                                    envious                                    mercenary                                    studious

careful                                    extravagant                                    modest                                    sympathetic

careless                                    faultfinding                                    observant                                    sullen

cheerful                                    fearless                                    original                                    tactful

clever                                                      frank                                                      patient                                    temperate

commanding                                    generous                                    persistent                                    thorough

conceited                                    greedy                                    petty                                                      thoughtless

confident                                    helpful                                    practical                                    thrifty

conscientious                  honest                                    presumptuous                  tolerant

considerate                                    hopeful                                    proud                                                      truthful

cooperative                                    imaginative                                    punctual                                    unfriendly

courageous                                    impatient                                    purposeful                                    ungracious

courteous                                    impulsive                                    reckless                                    unjust

cowardly                                    independent                                    reliable                                    unselfish

credulous                                    indifferent                                    rude                                                      vain

cruel                                                      indomitable                                    sensible                                    wicked

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