Just one more reminder that Monday, May 11th, is the last class meeting.
Please bring all your graded work, your grade sheet, and a calculator.
If you are still planning to submit a revision of out of class essay one or two, I will allow those to be turned in up until Friday, May15th at noon. You can either place it in my dept. mailbox in Calaveras, or you can email me the documents.
Also, one more reminder that if you have not submitted out of class essay one or two or three, you MUST write and submit all OUT OF CLASS ESSAYS in order to pass the course. (of course, it is possible for one to not earn enough points to pass the class, even IF all three essays are written and submitted!) Even if the essay is submitted so late that it earns a failing grade, it still must be submitted by Monday, May 11th.
Currently, I have completed grading two of the three English 20 sections. To be very open and honest, I am a bit devastated about the plagiarism I have come across. When I first starting utilizing Breaking Bad as a part of the course, the series was still very new and not much had been written about it. However, now that the Internet is full of a lot of material regarding the series, including some examinations of character, I am encountering plagiarism. UGH!
I realize that it is not logical to take it personally, but it is so frustrating to see students take this precarious route.
On a more positive note, many of the essays have been exceptional and truly a pleasure to read.